After Apple held a Virtual event this September, it is still unclear when the iPhone 12 will be launched. the event focused solely on the New Apple Watch 6, Apple Watch SE, and iPad. The announcement for the Iphone 12 (Apple hasn't announced an official name for the Iphone yet but let's call it that) is still the most awaited mystery for Iphone fans.
It is likely that Apple will announce this latest cellphone on the second week of October this year.
Note that Apple has not officially released the information and did not provide a response to any questions. You could say this is a sign that the iPhone will experience a delay of several weeks from the usual September schedule. This happened because of the Covid-19 outbreak which forced suppliers to stop supplying their products and stop operating companies supporting Apple. This affects Apple's stock and will also affect sales. Due to the same thing, Apple has also closed its retail stores in the US (although currently some stores have reopened in a limited manner).
Apple Iphone, which is usually announced in mid-September after Labor Day, will certainly be delayed by several weeks, which can be sure to fall in this October.
The reasons why Apple is likely to announce the Iphone 12 12 in October include: Nikkei Asia Review reports that Apple started producing the iPhone 5G in mid-September, meaning the product will be launched soon. Apple also wants these products launched before the holiday season and Black Friday. the next reason, Apple has an interest in not getting the news about the launch of its Iphone 12 by any bigger news, this is because the US presidential election will be held on November 3, 2020 and will really heat up in the second half of October 2020.
These reasons make it possible that Apple will issue the Iphone 12 in the first two weeks of October to avoid focusing on other issues such as the US Presidential Election.
As a reminder, this is only our speculation, Apple has not officially announced anything about its latest iPhone product because this year many things have happened beyond the predictions of many, especially Covid-19.