Nokia will add Windows 8 tablets in its product line in June 2012. This news was reported by French newspaper interview with the head of Nokia in France. In an article published Wednesday, the Les Paul Amsellem Rchos stated, in June 2012, Nokia will have a tablet that is running Windows 8.
The move is considered to be less precise, with Android and IOS operating system for smartphones and tablets are used and not so with the Windows operating system phone. While ignoring the tablet market will hinder the growth of Nokia out of the main industries. And clearly Microsoft is a major partner Nokia, which means that companies must grapple with the complexity because it has two major operating systems. However, Nokia was reluctant to give feedback on the comments.
Stephen Elop, Nokia Executive Chef, last month refused to comment about plans for Windows 8 tablet. However, after the discussion of the results of the analysis of income, he considered that possibility wide open.
Elop said that there are benefits and synergies that exist between Windows and Windows Phone from the perspective of the ecosystem. We saw an opportunity and would definitely consider it for future opportunities.
In an interview with the Financial Times, Elop is more devoted to the explanation of the similarity between the user interface of Windows Phone Nokia product line Lumia which recently launched by the operating system Windows 8.
Nokia certainly has a pretty good service in bringing Windows tablet, but the synergy is not always easy. Programs written for one operating system usually does not run any other operating disistem, so much to be done by the developer apikasi to include two types of devices.
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