Samsung Electronics confirmed its plans to launch its mobile phone product line with flexible screens next year, followed later tablets and other portable devices. The company stated, the goal for the smartphone following the success achieved by Galaxy S II, which has sold over 10 million units in five months.
The statement came as the discussion of company earnings for the three months to September. Samsung said the company achieved a profit of 3.1 billion USD and as a whole fell by 23 percent from a year ago, because the fall in revenue from the chip and display production. However, operating profit for the mobile unit has doubled from the same period.
Samsung spokesman, Robert Yi said, "We're working to announce a product with a flexible screen around 2012, hopefully done by early next year. The possibility of flexible display will be applied first in handset products, followed later tablets and other mobile devices".
Korea-based company in this state, the popularity of smartphones Galaxy S II continued to strengthen and successfully sold over 10 million units in five months. Android-based handsets seem to benefit from the launch of the iPhone 4S in October by Apple.
According to research firm Strategy Analytics, smartphone Samsung sent 27.8 million in the third quarter compared to Apple is sending 17.1 million units. iPhone 4S touted sales of large and according to Apple, has sold 4 million units in its first three days after its launch on October 14.
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