Google Opens Androidland To Rival Apple Store

Giant search engine company "Google" has opened a store in the world's first offline retail Android in partnership with wireless operators namely Telstra Australia.

Offline store that was named Androidland which opened in Melbourne Australia. This store is offering smartphones and tablet-based Android operating system. This store is very unique, which can make customers / penggunjung Android experience in the world. This store was designed with the collaboration of Google, HTC, LG, Motorola, Samsung and Sony Ericsson.

This step is an effort to counter Apple's dominance in terms of retail technology. However, there are differences in layout or design on Androidland with the Apple store, if the Apple Stores tend to be plain minimalist design that was adopted from the design of Apple products, while Androidland very "green" and striking, and gives the appearance like a carnival "green robots".

This store is filled with the Green Robot Icon Android OS, there are collections of Zone Play Games and display almost any gadget that runs on the operating system "collapsed Green" Android. Staff there have been trained by Google to help visitors in providing experience using Android.

Executive Direktru Telstra Mobile, Warwick Bray told The Australian, "In the last 12 months we saw a very significant growth of the number of visitors to our Androidland and some visitors ask us about Android phones and tablets. With this Androidland we want to help in answering questions about android smartphones and tablets to customers with an interactive and fun way ".

"The results are the first collaboration featuring konfensional products and allows visitors to use the various services and applications on Android devices, thus providing a new and exciting experience" he added.

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