The owner of Android, Andy Rubin said on Google's pages +, that 700,000 Android devices currently on the switch every day. His writing is very serious in its delivery.
Andy Rubin is currently being forced to clarify his statement by a commentator of the nit-picking to want to give correct information to those who are cynical. "We do count on the device only once (and devices that have been resold after the first activation time is not counted) and the" activation "that the intent is Andy Rubin, this about you go to the store, buy a Android device and will connect into the network by subscribing to the service wireless ".
In 2011 this is a very important year for Android, where they released the Android 4.0 series Ice Cream Sandwich that can run on tablet and smartphone devices simultaneously. Although at this year's Galaxy Nexus has not succeeded in mastering the market with new OS that "cool" is.
Android OS 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich will be one of the interesting things to enjoy at the beginning of the year in 2012 is because most new tablet is expected to in the show on CES 2012. Can Ipad3 fantasy can successfully stem the Android 4.0?, We will see this year.
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