Latest Android Not Open Source

Google to delay wider access to the new version of the Android software, the reason is still needed improvement before the product is ready for use on various types of devices. The news of the delay was first reported by Bloomberg Businessweek on Thursday.

Android 3.0 is called Honeycomb Google launched earlier this year, as the first Android operating system as a whole is designed for use on tablet PCs. Honeycomb software has been used by Motorola Xoom tablets which have been marketed in February and recently by Samsung's latest Galaxy Pad.

Honeycomb is Google's first effort that is intended to challenge Apple iPad domonasi tablet PC market in the newborn. But Google said the software Honyecom not become open source as is commonly done in the Android before, where every developer is free to modify as you wish. Google argued about this delay has not made adjustments to the Honeycom to use smartphones.

Google spokesman told Reuter stated very pleased to offer a host of new features on the tablet of Android, but is still much work they must do to bring Honeycomb on other types of devices including mobile phones. He added, komiteman they provide an open Android platform in a variety of devices and will publish the source Honeycomb immediately when it becomes ready.

Google's Android software was released two years ago has been used primarily for smartphones. Google Android according to research firm Canalys, has become the number one smartphone operating system in the world in the fourth quarter of 2010.

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