Tablet Will Use (SoC) Medfield Chip From Intel

The presence of Intel in the mobile market is still very limited, with some devices that are built by a small Company without significant market share. However, the launch of the system-on-a-chip (SoC) Medfield, is expected to change the fate of the chip manufacturer based in Santa Clara for the mobile market share.

Medfield planned to be launched in the line of Intel Atom chip and is a step forward in expanding opportunities in the mobile market Intel. Medfield would be the first single piece of silicon Intel, which combines hardware logic contained in the CPU and chipset design on a traditional PC.
Stephern Smith, vice president of Intel's architecture group, in a meeting with the Technology Review website states that this is actually their first offer to chip Tungga. Smith also brings design references Android smartphones and tablets, to prove the progress made in the development of Intel's SoC.

Tablet running Google's operating system version 4.0 or so-called Ice CreamSandwich. Technology Review reports, as thin and lightweight devices such as iPad 2, but equipped with large screens.

According to Technology Review, from the limited time with Intel-powered tablet Medfield, feel more comfortable using it, compared to other devices that also run the Android OS Honeycomb.

The reference design is a device specifically designed as a reference for manufacturers that want to launch products based on technology developed, as well as beneficial in reducing the cost of development for Intel's partners.

According to Smith, the manufacturer may use as many designs as you wish and express reference, CES 2012, when the right to bring a new device that builds on SOC Medfield.

Intel has not been able mengugkapkan any information regarding the availability of such

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