Google's Android platform is no longer denied experiencing growing quite rapidly. Even one analyst said, Google is now activates 350,000 Android devices every day.
According to Brian Pitz, an executive director and senior analyst at UBS Investment Bank said that Android users increased from a few months ago to 16 percent when the vice president of Google's Andy Rubin said at the Tweeter in which companies do the activation at that time more than 300,000 Android phone every day.
The announcement came just two months after the head of Google Eric Schmidt said that Google's Android device activates 200,000 per day. However, a Google spokesman confirmed only calculations with Rubin in December, said that currently more than 300,000 Android Smartphone activated every day.
When Pitz analysis is correct, means that according to figures released by Gartner earlier this week stating, Android in a position to overtake Symbian as the most popular smartphone operating system in the world at the end of the year. Where Gartner also predicts that Apple will maintain its position in second place with IOS mobile platform until the year 2014. Apple's strong position with about 20 percent market share.
Growth can not be separated from the Android open platform makes the model can be adapted to various models of the device. This model makes Android criticism about fragmentation, which prompted Rubin wrote in his blog to defend Android and insisted that the company remains committed to developing it as an open platform.
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